Lost Business

19 May 2023


Cogito Ergo Non Serviam

Disney Cancels $1 Billion Florida Investment

The Disney people have built modern Florida in many ways. DisneyWorld (bigger than DisneyLand in California, but not as good because Florida has worse weather) changed the way the state makes money. When Governor Ron DeSantis picked a fight with the corporation over his foolish Don\'t Say Gay Law, he took on a body that does not need him and does not need Florida. The corporation has decided that its $1 billion investment in a new campus in Florida is not money well-spent. The plan has been scrapped, and the jobs and funds that would have gone to the Sunshine State will stay in California. Mr. DeSantis is going to have to learn that some fights might look good on TV, but they are not worth having.

The whole thing started when Mr. DeSantis pushed through a law that basically removes non-heterosexuals from publ\'ic discussion in places like schools, where people ought to be learning about those who are different. Disney, which wants as many people as possible to go to its parks, watch its movies and buy its mouse-ear hats, stood up for its inclusive values. Like all tinpot Napoleon\'s, Mr. DeSantis could not bear the criticism.

The Associated Press said, "As punishment, DeSantis took over Disney World’s self-governing district through legislation passed by lawmakers and appointed a new board of supervisors. Before the new board came in, the company signed agreements with the old board stripping the new supervisors of design and construction authority.

"In response, the Republican-controlled Florida Legislature passed legislation allowing the DeSantis-appointed board to repeal those agreements and made the theme park resort’s monorail system subject to state inspection, when it previously had been done in-house."

Disney has now responded like any business that has options; it is exercising its freedom of choice. There is no law that says Disney needs to spend money in Florida. So, the firm has reduced how much it is spending there. So, the $1 billion investment will be made elsewhere, and the 2,000 jobs (with an average salary of $120,000 per year, for a total of $240,000,000 per year) will not come to Florida.

The DeSantis administration tried to spin things, but everyone knows the truth. Spokesman for the governor Jeremy Redfern stated, "Given the company\'s financial straits, falling market cap and declining stock price, it is unsurprising that they would restructure their business operations and cancel unsuccessful ventures."

Not everyone on the right side of the house agreed. Florida State Senator Joe Gruters, a former chairman of the state Republican Party, told the AP, "I hope we can put this conflict behind us and get back to a more normal working relationship with a company that’s been one of our best business and tourism partners that we\'ve had over the last 50 years. Two thousand jobs and a billion dollars worth of investments into our state, I would say that\'s a serious blow. The market is much better at dealing with companies rather than heavy-handed government."

Anna Eskamani, who represents the Orlando area in the Florida House, was more direct. "Governor Ron DeSantis is a job killing moron who cares more about his own political ambitions and culture wars than Florida and our future. According to him, \'woke makes you go broke\' but this is another example of how it\'s actually the complete opposite. DeSantis is not who you want for President -- ever."

Mr. DeSantis is now an anti-business candidate for president. He is doomed because he is repelling the moneymen. There is a potential cleavage here within the Republican Party, and Mr. DeSantis is making it real.

© Copyright 2023 by The Kensington Review, Jeff Myhre, PhD, Editor. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written consent. Produced using Ubuntu Linux.

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