The Rift Opens

29 March 2024


Cogito Ergo Non Serviam

Israeli Security Warns on Jewish Terrorism

One of the things one discovered while studying the mess that is the Middle East was the broader range of opinion there than the international press discusses. Were one to read a dozen or so articles covering the region, there would be many references to terror and terrorism, but that seems only to apply to those fighting Israel. Israelis themselves are a bit more nuanced in their understanding of the situation. Indeed, the internal security service Shin Bet has identified the radical settlers engaged in attacking Palestinians in the West Bank (whom Shin Bet calls terrorists) as a significant threat to the security of the State of Israel. This journal agrees.

The New York Times reported this morning, " . . . on Aug. 15, settlers raided the village of Jit. Palestinians living there described dozens of Israeli settlers storming the village, wearing masks, dressed in dark clothes and armed with rocks, Kalashnikovs and M-16s

"The rioters were eventually dispelled, but not fast enough to prevent damage, injuries and one Palestinian death. 'This is a very serious terror incident in which Israelis set out to deliberately harm the residents of the town of Jit, and we failed by not succeeding to arrive earlier to protect them,' Maj. Gen. Avi Bluth, who leads the Israeli military units responsible for the West Bank, said in a report published on Wednesday."

This is just one incident among many over the decades, and it has almost always been there at a low level. However, the violence has escalated as the Jewish terrorists try to take advantage of the national mood of shock and fear.

Ronen Bar, the Shin Bet top dog, wrote a letter to PM Netanyahu warning of the dangers of letting this kind of terror flourish. This letter was covered in Ha'aretz, the Israeli paper of record. He wrote, "we're on the threshold of a significant, reality-changing process. The damage to Israel, especially at this time, and to the majority of the settlers is indescribable: world delegitimization even among our best friends, deploying IDF forces at a time the army, which isn't meant to deal with these missions, is finding it difficult to carry out all its tasks. Revenge attacks that ignite another front in the multi-front war we're in, bringing more people into the terror circle to carry out their revenge. This is a slippery slope that strengthens the feeling of lack of governance, another difficulty in creating regional alliances that are necessary to deal with the Shi'ite axis and above all: A large stain on Judaism and on all of us."

He also said it is getting worse. Jewish terrorism has moved "from focused covert activity to broad, open activity. From using a lighter to using weapons of war. Sometimes using weapons that were distributed by the state lawfully. From evading the security forces to attacking the security forces. From cutting themselves off from the establishment to receiving legitimacy from certain officials in the establishment."

Of course, this includes the PM himself. This violence makes it harder to create an end to the violence in Gaza and elsewhere. And that ensures that his cabinet will continue to support him in office, which should surprise no one. That means he cannot be tried for his alleged crimes against the State of Israel, and eventually, he hopes to make those problems go away.

One cannot point to any evidence of a direct conspiracy between the settlements and the PM. There probably is not one. When ends and interests coincide, a conspiracy becomes unnecessary.

© Copyright 2024 by The Kensington Review, Jeff Myhre, PhD, Editor. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written consent. Produced using Ubuntu Linux.

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