A Country, not a County!

14 October 2024


Cogito Ergo Non Serviam

Alex Salmond, 1954-2024

Alex Salmond was the most effective British politician of his generation. In 2011, he lead the Scottish National Party to an overall majority in the Scottish Parliament, against the designs of the Labour government that devolved power to Edinburgh. It was not supposed to happen, but it did. In 2014, he led the fight for the Independence Referendum, and he damned near won it. He leaves behind a broken SNP (not his fault there) and a Scotland that is more sure of itself that a couple of decades ago. Not bad for a man whose fringe party had always just been a protest vote, a way of registering discontent with the government in London. His last public words were that Scotland is "a country not a county."

This journal has been unapologetically supportive of the independence movement in general and the SNP specifically since the journal began publishing in 2002. Scotland is a perfectly viable nation-state in the European Union. It is probably viable outside the EU as well. It would be just fine as an independent country. Yet, even if the independence move fails, if a majority just do not want it, that is all right as well. The movement has forced a change in the British constitution, which has not been fit for purpose since the 1960s.

Moving power out of Westminster and Whitehall is good for everyone in the UK. It need not end in Scottish, Welsh, English or Northern Irish independence (or in the latter case a political reunion with the rest of the island), but more power locally is a must. The Labour decision to devolve power to Scotland and Wales also included more power for the big cities in England. The SNP and Plaid Cymru (the Welsh nationalists), simply by pursuing their local agendas affected change throughout the UK.

Alex Salmond was a flawed person to be sure. He faced charges of sexual misconduct. In Scotland, a jury has three options. A case can result in a verdict of guilty, not guilty or not proved. That latter is different from most Anglo-Saxon nations. It means that a jury can distinguish between a defendant who did not commit the alleged offense and one who is freed on a technicality or due to some but not enough evidence. Mr. Salmond faced 13 charges and 12 of them came back not guilty (innocent)with just one not proved.

Then came the falling out with his successor Nicola Sturgeon. Mr. Salmond believed the Scottish government was targeting him, and the fact that the courts made the government pay half a million quid may support that. He left the SNP and founded his own party, Alba, which is just as dedicated to independence. One always felt that Alba was mostly a vehicle for his own ego, but a case can be made that is was going to be a springboard towards a reprise of his time as national leader. That was prevented when his heart gave out during a conference in North Macedonia.

In the end, one of the most effective ways to judge a politician's career is by looking at what comrades rivals say. The current First Minister of Scotland, John Swinney, simply said he made a "collosal contribution." The Speaker of the House of Commons paid tributes to Mr. Salmond, stating he "leaves a deep and lasting legacy behind him. The thoughts of this whole house will be with his family and friends at this difficult time."

Secretary of State for Scotland Ian Murray, a Labour politician, said no MP "was given an easy ride" by Salmond but added he had left an "indelible mark." "It is impossible to overstate the impact Alex had on Scotland and our politics after half a century of involvement from student activist to first minister," he said.

Shadow Secretary of State for Scotland Tory MP John Lamont said Mr. Salmond was "undoubtedly a giant in Scottish and United Kingdom politics" who was "passionate, formidable, impressive and hugely charismatic."

Reform UK’s Richard Tice described Salmond as a "truly great man," who was "so generous with his words of advice and wisdom."

Scotland will not see his like for some time. Like Moses, he did not make it to the promised land, but it was not for want of trying. And that is all anyone can ask.

© Copyright 2024 by The Kensington Review, Jeff Myhre, PhD, Editor. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written consent. Produced using Ubuntu Linux.

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