Corrupt Bargain

11 February 2025


Cogito Ergo Non Serviam

DoJ Asking to Drop Case Against NYC Mayor Adams

New York City Mayor Eric Adams, a Democrat, has caught a huge break. The Department of Justice is seeking to drop all the corruption charges against him. One might think it was an over-zealous prosecutor or a cop who mishandled evidence that led to this request, but those are not the causes. The case is a strong one, and Mayor Adams does not seem to have much of a defense. Yet it is going away, sort of, thanks to Mr. Adams ingratiating himself with President Trump. The rule of law is done, and all politically connected people are now free to act as they please.

The New York Times reported:

Prosecutors accused him of accepting more than $100,000 in flight upgrade and airline tickets; pressuring the New York Fire Department to speed up approval of a new Turkish consulate; and receiving foreign contributions from wealthy foreigners who were not legally permitted to give to his campaign. By soliciting those illegal donations, Mr. Adams fraudulently obtained millions of dollars in public matching funds for his campaign, prosecutors said.

The mayor pleaded not guilty, but just weeks ago, prosecutors said they had uncovered "additional criminal conduct" by Mr. Adams.

The evidence is rather compelling, but what the public knows is definitely incomplete. What everyone knows is that a great many members of his administration are under indictment or have pleaded guilty. He is either complicit or naive.

This journal believes he is guilty as hell because he has always been a bent cop. Back when he was just a policeman, not Brooklyn Borough President or Mayor yet, he was investigated by the NYPD (which he often criticized from within) for his association with convicted felons (e.g., Mike Tyson who was convicted of rape in 1992). NYPD takes this so seriously, police officers may not patronize certain Italian restaurants because of alleged ties the eateries have to the Mafia.

The secret to his success, as a captain he could rise no higher without a politician supporting him, was his ability to get the press to focus on his concerns as a cop. As part of 100 Blacks in Law Enforcement and as a member of the black officers' Guardians organization, he could always manufacture a crowd, and he has done so repeatedly.

With a trial looming over him this spring, and with 2025 being the year he is up for re-election, he went to work getting the charges lifted. He went down to Mar-a-lago last month to kiss the ring and bend the knee (or kiss the ass if one prefers). He made a point of being at the inauguration.

It paid off. Acting Deputy AG Emil Bove instructed the prosecutors who answer to him to drop the case. The interesting thing is that the orders are to drop the charges "without prejudice." That means the charges can be re-instated at a later date. Moreover, the two-page memo that Mr. Bove wrote says, "The Justice Department has reached this conclusion without assessing the strength of the evidence or the legal theories on which it is based . . . ."

It also said, "The pending prosecution has unduly restricted Mayor Adams' ability to devote full attention and resources to the illegal immigration and violent crime." So, there is the quid pro quo. Mr. Adams will cooperate with the White House on rounding up immigrants and putting armed cops in places where they do not belong. If he fails to do so, he will be prosecuted. The statute of limitations runs five years. That would take Mr. Adams to the end of the second term he wants so badly. He has already told city employees to ignore city rules that make New York a sanctuary city.

New York City Democrats can fix this by nominating someone else to lead the ticket for the party in November. State Senator Zellnor Myrie would be an ideal choice. No matter what, though, NY Attorney General Leticia James should take over the prosecution on state corruption charges.

© Copyright 2025 by The Kensington Review, Jeff Myhre, PhD, Editor. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written consent. Produced using Ubuntu Linux.

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