Kensington Review

28  March 2024


Cogito Ergo Non Serviam


Latest Commentary:

US Pulls Stefanik UN Ambassador Nomination -- The personnel in the Trump administration are largely inept and grossly unqualified. The nomination of Congresswoman Elise Stefanik of New York to the position of US ambassador to the UN would not have added greatly to that problem. She has served on the Armed Services Committee, and one believes her background with the Bush the Lesser administration would give her a pragmatism that might make US foreign policy under Mr. Trump a bit less toxic. The world will never know, though, because the White House has withdrawn her nomination. The reason is not personal flaws nor ideological disputes (she left Bushism to be full on MAGA). The administration fears the vacancy her appointment would create in the House would undermine the Republican hold on the chamber.. [28 March]

Dems Take PA Senate Seat from Republicans -- The general ineptitude of the Trump administration compounds bad policy with poor implementation. The result of this will be a backlash against the Republican Party and a future Congressional campaign that favors the Democrats. Such a prediction is, of course, not guaranteed to occur, but rather, that is how the odds stack up before the starting gun. One can find early signs of this already, which is a bit quick for the chickens to start coming home to roost, but the American people have been in a grumpy mood for years. [27 March]

Russia Weasels out of Black Sea Ceasefire -- The news about discussions in Saudi Arabia regarding peace between Russia and Ukraine was wonderful for a few minutes yesterday. The Ukrainians and the Russians had agreed to a ceasefire between the two in the Black Sea. Russia has not done well there, with the flagship of the Russian Black Sea fleet resting on the bottom. One would think that a partial ceasefire could lead to a total truce. Then, the Russians delivered the fine print. They would only implement the deal when various western sanctions are lifted. Let the killing continue was the only interpretation. [26 March]

Trump Administration Shares War Plan with Journalist -- If one had any doubt that the people in the Trump administration are arrogant and incompetent, evidence that should dispel that view emerged a few hours ago. Jeffrey Goldberg of the Atlantic found himself included in a text thread on Signal where top Trump administration officials were discussing the attack on Houthi tribesmen in Yemen. There is so much wrong with this one hardly knows where to start. Firing everyone on the thread is a good start because this kind of discussion should only happen in a secure location, not one personal cell phones from wherever. [25 March]

Canada Calls Election for April 28 -- The new Canadian Prime Minister, Mark Carney, has been in office ten days. He has already called an election because he has the old-fashioned idea that a democratic leader must have a mandate from the electorate. Polling day will be April 28, proving once again that the Westminster model is superior to the Madison model in America. The latter replaced its leader and voted in a new one without the 2-year-plus campaign. One does not expect Mr. Carney to win outright, but he does have a fighting change to lead the Liberals into a coalition. [24 March]

© Copyright 2025 by The Kensington Review, Jeff Myhre, PhD, Editor. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written consent. Produced using Ubuntu Linux.








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Volume XXIII, Number 53















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