Kensington Review

25 July 2024


Cogito Ergo Non Serviam


Latest Commentary:

Biden Bids America Adieu -- Joe Biden addressed the American people last night from the Oval Office, his first such address since he withdrew from the presidential campaign. In his 11 minute speech, he explained his reason for departing was to protect democracy. He said that as much as he revered the office, he cared for the country more. Most politicians say that, but they do not mean it. In his case, the actions speak for themselves. This, however, was more than a simple "thanks and goodnight." It was a warning of what could happen if Americans get the election wrong. In that regard, he may be the most effective campaigner the new Harris team has. He no longer has anything to lose and nothing to gain. That makes him dangerous. Yet, his actions show true statesmanship as well. It is a powerful combination. [25 July]

Secret Service Head Quits -- Donald J. Trump is a former president and current candidate for president. That means he has Secret Service protection around the clock. Ten days ago, an assassination attempt failed more by luck than anything else. Mr. Trump took a fragment of the teleprompter to the ear. An inch to the right of the shooter, and the bullet would have hit Mr. Trump in the eye. It took until yesterday for the head of the Secret Service, Kim Cheatle, to resign. That is unconscionable. When an agency fails in its mission, the top brass there should quit. It is called taking responsibility. It used to be fairly common, and these days, it is almost unheard of. She resigned not over principle but because she had both political parties mad at her for the failure. Rather than doing the right thing by quitting, she left before she could be ousted. (24 July)

Biden Withdraws in Favor of Harris -- About 100 years ago, American humorist Will Rogers said, "I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat." Over the weekend, the party proved itself to be a disorganized wreck. Since the June debate in which Mr. Biden performed poorly, there have been calls for him to step out of the race. This is completely unnecessary, but the party of Nervous Nellies decided that trailing by 3% with four months to go in some swing states was too tough a lift. So they started a pressure campaign that finally cracked the Biden administration. Joe Biden has withdrawn from the race and has endorses Vice President Kamala Harris. Democrats appear to be ecstatic, the Trumpists are furious and this journal is unmoved. If the guy to beat Mr. Trump a year ago was Joe Biden, and if Joe Biden cannot win, another candidate is in order. By choosing Ms. Harris, the party is admitting its argument for Mr. Biden was nonsense all along. (22 July)

Senator Menendez Guilty in Corruption Trial -- US New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez is a felon. A jury convicted him yesterday in a trial that last two months and detailed significant corruption. This is the second time the senator has faced charges like this, and the previous case appears to have been decided wrongly. Robert Menendez is crooked, and it has all finally caught up to him. He faces decades in jail, and Senator Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) called for the New Jersey senator to resign from the upper chamber. The Democrats in New Jersey have already picked Congressman Andy Kim to run for the seat this November, and Mr. Menendez is trying for re-election as an independent. The only thing the senator can salvage from this is some dignity, and that will only happen if he quit politics immediately. [17 July]

Judge Tosses Trump Stolen Documents Case -- Judge Aileen Cannon down in Florida has had not just her thumb but her whole arm on the scale in the Donald Trump stolen classified documents case. She issued a 93-page ruling this morning that said the special prosecutor was unconstitutionally appointed, despite the last 20 years' of precedent to the contrary. She may believe this helps the former, felonious president, but in fact, this gives Special Prosecutor Jack Smith all he needs to get her off the case. He can appeal to the Eleventh Circuit, which will almost certainly reverse this decision. At that point, he has enough ammo to ask for her removal. His election would render all of this irrelevant, but if he can be kept out of office, this is the case that should end his political career. [16 July]

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